Lunch menu
SATURDAY | 21.12.2024
Tradičný silný vývar s mäsom, zeleninou a rezancami 1,3,9
1. Dusené hovädzie kocky v kely, varené zemiaky 7
9.50 €
for delivery 10.50 €
2. Penne s grilovaným halloumi syrom a cherry paradajkami,cuketou, cesnakom 1,3,7
9.80 €
for delivery 10.80 €
3. Vyprážaná bravčová krkovička, ľahký zemiakový šalát s cibuľkou 1,3,7
9.60 €
for delivery 10.60 €
Quality food
Great cuisine with traditional recipes from our ancestors. We embrace freshness of ingredients and traditional cooking process. Our professional service also adds to the feeling of uniqueness.
Tank beer
Our master tapmen draft the excellent Velkopopovický Kozel 11% directly from the tanks, always with foam as thick as cream.
Unique atmosphere
A majestic statue of the Kozel, unconventional tables with metal hooves and other details. All these elements combined with wood, leather and metal create a pleasant and unforgettable atmosphere in our Kozlovna.